Sunday, January 3, 2010


I opened my eyes and waited as my pupils adjusted to the overwhelming brightness. An early morning. A fresh new day. My bed sat comfortably by the large window overlooking an acre of naked trees covered with a blanket of snow. I sat up and took a deep contented breath, satisfied with a good nights sleep devoid of nightmares and surreal fantasies.

The distant traffic sounds filtered through the trees - the buzz of the alarm muted. Winter's teasing wafts of mist sauntered among the trees - their serenity short as pedestrians cut through them in hurriedness. I pulled myself into a cuddle while a nippy breeze poked through my sweater. And then I saw them.

I held my breath as I gaped in disbelief.

3 PM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh dear :|

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